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Review Questions

Review Questions

Determine the Data Type

Q04.01 Find the data type of a if a=9

Q04.02 Find the data type of a if a=9.

Q04.03 Find the data type of a if a='9.'

Q04.04 Find the data type of a if a=(9)

Q04.05 Find the data type of a if a=False

Q04.06 Find the data type of a if a=[1,2,3]

Q04.07 Find the data type of a if a=(1,2,3)

Q04.08 Find the data type of a if a={'key': 9}

Q04.09 Find the data type of a if a=1 + 9j

Numeric Data Types

Q04.10 Set a=1 and b=2. What data type is a/b?

Q04.11 Set a=1 and b=2. What data type is a*b?

Q04.12 What is 5.1 plus 0 + 3j?

Q04.13 What floating point number converts to the boolean False? Show this in code using the bool() function.

Q04.14 Create the floating point number 0.001×100.2 and assign it to the variable b.

Q04.15 Show that 3e2 is the same as 3E2 with the comparison operator ==

Q04.16 Euler's number, e, can be called in Python using the code below:

from math import e

(a) Round e to the nearest integer. Store the result in a variable called x.

(b) Round e to the nearest 1000ths place (the nearest 0.001). Store the result in a variable called y.

(c) Truncate the decimal portion of e (remove the 0.71828.... portion) so you are left with the integer 2. Store the result in a variable called z. Hint: convert e to a string and use string slicing.

Q04.17 Define the complex number A using the code below:

A = 4 + 2j

(a) store the real component of A in a variable called real.

(b) store the imaginary component of A in a variable called imaginary.

(c) store the magnitude of A in a variable called mag. The magnitude of an imaginary number is defined as:



Q04.20 Predict the output if the lines n=5 and (n<3) and (n<7) are run. Then run the the two lines of code.

Q04.21 Predict the output if the lines of code below are run. Then run the code.

>>> ans='Yes'
>>> ans=='Yes' or ans=='No'

Q04.22 Pick a number n to make the following statement True: (2<n) or (n==2+n) Then run the code to show your number works.

Q04.23 Pick a number n to make the following statement False: not (n<6) and (n<4) Then run the code to show your number works.

Q04.24 Add the integers 1 and 0 and convert the answer to a boolean. Add the boolean values bool(0) + bool(1) and compare the result.

Q04.25 Show that (n>5) and (n<=10) is equivalent to 5 < n <= 10 using the two different numbers for n.

Q04.26 Show that (n<5) or (n>=10) is equivalent to not(5 =< n < 10) using the two different numbers for n.


Q04.30 Define a string that contains the word Problem.

Q04.31 Define one string as the word Problem and define another string as the word Solving. Combine these two strings to make the statement Problem Solving.

Q04.32 (a) Define a string that contains the number 8 and a string that contains the number 5. Combine these two strings with the plus operator +.

(b) Define an integer as the number 8 and an integer as the number 5 and combine these two integers with the plus operator +

(c) Explain why the output from (a) was different from the output of (b)

(d) Multiply the string 8 and the string 5 with the multiplication operator *. Compare the output to multiplying the integers 8 and the integer 5. Why is the output different?

Q03.33 Complete the following index and slicing operations after word = 'Problem' is defined.

(a) Pull out the letter P from word

(b) Pull out the first three letters Pro from word

(c) Pull out the second through the fourth letters rob from word

(d) Pull out every other letter from word starting with P

(e) Use indexing and slicing to ouput word backwards to produce melborP.

Q04.34 Define the strings below:

(a) Define a string a as coffee, define a string b as it's, define a string c as hot! and string d as , (a comma).

(b) Combine the strings a, b, c and d to produce the string coffee, it's hot (notice the comma)

(c) Print out the statement she said "coffee, it's hot" using the variables a, b, c and d.

Q04.35 Create the string path with the value C:\Users\Gabby\Documents

Q04.36 Convert the string Problem to the list ['P','r','o','b','l','e','m'] without writing the list from scratch.

Q04.37 Use the string over board and slicing to produce the following words:

(a) over

(b) board

(c) oar

Q04.38 Use the string rotten tomatoes and slicing to produce the following words:

(a) to

(b) no

(c) ten

(d) oat


Q04.40 Create a list that contains the numbers 1, 2.9×108, and the word game.

Q04.41 Create a list that contains the words problem, solving, with, python.

Q04.42 Create a list with one value, the number 6. Convert the list to a boolean with the bool() function.

Q04.43 Create an empty list. Convert the empty list to a boolean with the bool() function.

Q04.44 Create a list with the letters C, D, and R. Pull the letters C and D out of your list with indexing.

Q04.45 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to pull out the number 5 from the list.

Q04.46 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to pull out all of the numbers 5 or less.

Q04.47 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to pull out all of the numbers 5 and greater.

Q04.48 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to pull out all of the even numbers from the list.

Q04.49 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to pull out every odd number from the list.

Q04.50 Create a list with the numbers 1 to 10 (counting by ones). Use slicing to return the list in reverse order (the returned list starts with 10 and ends with 1).

Q04.51 Create a Python list containing the values 1, 2, 5.6, and 9 in that order and store it in a variable called x.


Q04.60 Create a dictionary called capitals that contains the states and state capitals. Include Washington, capital Olympia and Oregon, capital Salem.

Q04.61 Create a dictionary called capitals that contains the states and state capitals. Include Washington, capital Olympia and Oregon, capital Salem. In the line after the dictionary is created add the state New York, capital Albany.

Q04.62 Create a dictionary numbers = {'one':1, 'two':2, 'three':3}. Pull out the number '2' by calling the key 'two'.

Q04.63 Create a dictionary colors = {'red':' #FF0000', 'green':'#008000', 'blue':'#0000FF'}. Pull out all the keys and add them to a list called colors_list with the .keys() method.

Q04.64 Create a dictionary colors = {'red':' #FF0000', 'green':'#008000', 'blue':'#0000FF'}. Pull out all the values and add them to a list called colors_hex with the .values() method.

Q04.65 Create a dictionary colors = {'red':' #FF0000', 'green':'#008000', 'blue':'#0000FF'}. Pull out all the items from the dictionary and add them to a list called color_items with the .items() method.

Q04.66 Create a dictionary groups = {'solo':1, 'duo':2}. Add the key 'trio' and the corresponding value 3.

Q04.67 Create a dictionary groups = {'solo':1, 'duo':2}. Then remove the key 'duo' and the value 2 so that only 'solo':1 remains.

Q04.68 Create a dictionary college = {'name': 'University of Oregon'}. Add the following two keys: abbreviation, mascot and the corresponding two values: UofO, ducks.


Q04.70 Create a tuple with the numbers 8, 9, and 10.

Q04.71 Create a tuple that has a single entry, the number 10.

Q04.72 Create a list and a tuple that both contains the strings: one, two and three. Pull the word two out of both the list and the tuple.

Q04.73 Create a list and a tuple that both contains the strings: one, two and three. Try to substitute the number 2 for the word two in both the list and tuple using indexing (square brackets).

Q04.74 Code the following lines:

t1 = (9)
t2 = (9,)
t3 = ('9')

Use Python's type() function to find the object type of each variable.

Q04.75 Create a tuple that returns True when converted to a boolean. Use the bool() function to demonstrate your tuple converts to True.

Q04.76 Create a tuple that returns False when converted to a boolean. Use the bool() function to demonstrate your tuple converts to False.

Errors, Explanations, and Solutions

Q04.80 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

n = 503

Q04.81 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

a = 321
b = 'go!'
c = a + b

Q04.82 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

d = {one:1, two:2, three:3}

Q04.83 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

f = false
not f

Q04.84 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

comp = 0.1 - 4.3i
comp + 5

Q04.85 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

empty = ''

Q04.86 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

lst = [1,3,5]

Q04.87 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

dict = ['key': 8, 'pair': 9]

Q04.88 Run the following lines of code and explain the error in your own words. Then rewrite the lines of code to run error free:

s = ['Problem Solving']